Friday, November 5, 2010


After going to all of the alternative places I essentially saw three types of venues: museums, galleries, and the street.

The two actual museums which I went to were similar in some ways and different in others. Aside from what was in them the main difference was the lighting. It probably had to do with the content but the DIA had dim lighting in some areas where as the U of M museum was similar throughout. Personally neither of the ways hindered the work because mostly it was tailored to it and added to the experience of seeing the work.

There were two main categories of galleries clean white spaces like the Gallery, Lemberg, and David Klein. But there were also warehouse type like MOCAD. Personally I enjoyed the clean white space better. I felt that it really removed all distractions for a piece and I felt more focused on them and enjoyed them more in that setting. Whereas MOCAD sort of creeped me out. I just never felt comfortable and just had the sense of wanting to get out of there rather than stay and appreciate the art.

I only went to one street venue, Heidelberg, but I felt that it suited the work nicely not only because of the setting but the location of the work as well. So I think it allowed me to enjoy the project a lot more because it gave it a setting, mainly being outside, that suited what was going on, rather then seeing it and a gallery going “Dirty old stuffed animals on a pole? What!?” So that was good.

So there were definite differences in the venues besides the work they housed which changed how I interacted with it--mainly Heidelberg, Legitimize it--again Heidelberg, provide context--the museums, and alter the associations I brought--the galleries, whether it be nothing or something.

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